This addon provides certificate to Academy Lms course students.
Students are required to complete 100% course progress to generate it’s certificate.
Certificate can be downloaded or showed online elsewhere for verification through a public url.
How it works
- Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server
- Purchase certificate addon for academy lms from codecanyon
- Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal
- Configure certificate text and background image
- Student of a course needs to finish the course progress to generate certificate
- After completion, student can download the certificate or show the certificate public url elsewhere
Watch this addon demo by navigating to the link below:
Login as admin to configure the certificate settings. - Admin email : admin@example.com - Admin password : 1234
Login as student and navigate to this course page to checkout certificate demo - Student email : student@example.com - Student password : 1234 http://demo.academy-lms.com/addon/home/lesson/user-experience-design-essentials-adobe-xd-ui-ux-design/15
Requirements :
- Academy LMS pre installed in your web server.
- Download academy here – https://1.envato.market/jGqOZ
- GD2 image processing library enabled in your web server
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