Course Analytics addon for Academy LMS provides a visual representation of
student’s progress for a certain course and a graphical report of month wise enrolment.
This addon will help Admin and Instructor to monitor students progress and improve the course content for future.
How it works
- Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server
- Purchase Course analytics addon for academy lms from codecanyon
- Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal
- Go to courses list page from the backend
- Select a course and click to go to the course details page
- Now click on the Analytics tab and here you will get all of your course analytics data
“Course progress analytics” represents a graphical representation of student’s completion progress for a certain
“Course Enrolments” represents a graphical representation of student’s enrolment data. By default it will show data
of current month but you can filter it month wise.
Click the link below to watch demo:
Requirements :
- Academy LMS pre installed in your web server
- Download academy here – https://1.envato.market/jGqOZ
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