PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
App Builder is software for Creating Automated systems , you can create your own system without Writing line of code .. you have only to use the wizard step by step to build your system Modules and start using it , you can Build System Like [Library Management , School Management , HR , ERP ] System etc ..
For More Info and Tutorial please watch this video
Tutorial Video
Features list
Users Module :
1.create User .
2.edit Users .
3.Delete Users .
4.Add / Edit User Role .
CRUD Module :
1.create new module .
2.add fields to module like :
- text
- text area
- integer
- date
- datetime
- File Attachment
- Image
- one to one relationship
- select
- radio
3.Generate module .
.It Generate Controller , view ,model ,route files .
.It make migration file and make table for module .
4.Delete module .
.It Delete Controller , view ,model ,route files .
.It Delete migration file and delete table of module .
5.Module side menu item
.it create side menu item when generate module .
.you can choose the icon and name of menu item when
creating new crud module .
Permission module :
1.you can create / update / delete permission on current modules
Roles module :
1.you can create / update / delete role and assign any permissions you want to this Role .
2.then you can assign Role to user .
File Manager Module :
1. User Can upload files and create , update , delete folders and manage his files and pictures and resize them .