Grupo is a use-friendly & easy to install-able JSON based PHP chatroom script with more than 50 Features. Grupo chat rooms are equipped with security features that make hackers and spammers a thing of the past. No Flash, Java, or other browser plugins are needed to run your chat room. Easily create your own chat room without any knowledge of coding. The options and features in your chat room can be adjusted according to your preference.
- Password Protected Group
Create Password Protected Group which is accessible to those users who have the password of that group. - Private Messaging (One to One Chat)
One to One Chat allows you to privately chat with a user apart from the group chat room. - Login as Guest
Users can login to your Grupo without needing a username and password. Grupo has the capability of turning off the Guest login. - Filter Messages
Detect and censor bad words, swear words and profanity in a given chat message. - Files Storage or Manager
One central hub for online file storage, file sharing, and downloading.
- Like System
The Like button is an easy way to show appreciation for a message. Click the Like button on any message, and show your appreciation. Click the Like button again to unlike. - Auto Delete Messages
An interesting feature in the app is its ability to help you set a timer for the messages to be deleted automatically. - Email Invitations
Add non-members to group by inviting them to join by sending email invitations. - User Mentions
Mention users in group conversations to grab their attention! Mentioned user will get email & system notification. - Custom Profile Fields
You can also create custom profile fields like country of residence, birthday, manager, Twitter handle, and more. Custom profile fields are always optional, and do not appear in users’ profiles until they fill them out. - Apperance Customizer
Inbuilt customizer allows you to change the colors and background of elements that appear throughout your site. - Cross browser compatibility
Grupo works with almost all browsers. Grupo make sure everybody can view your website in the same way. - Set Delete Messages Within time
If a user send a message & he/she didn’t mean to send or send something to the wrong person, he/she will now be able to delete the message within a set expiry time after sending it on Messenger. You can set the expiry time in Grupo settings. - Create or Manage User Roles
Grupo user roles help you create, manage users with specific access. Allows you to manage who can access certain Grupo features & who can’t. - User Profiles
Every user will have their own Profile page which display user stats and user custom fields data. - Ban IP address
An extremely powerful antispam plugin that blocks IP addresses from visiting Grupo. - Limit Login Attempts
Limit rate of login attempts and block IP temporarily which provides high security and limits your Grupo access. It also safes from Brute Force Attacks. - Ten+ Password Encryptions
Passwords are encrypted by the Ten+ random algorithm before they are stored in the database. Password encryption will help you to make your app more secure. - Profile Deactivation
Users can temporarily deactivate their account to take a little break from Grupo and choose to come back whenever they want. - Stand By Mode
Users can manually set their status to idle if they wish. As for what the idle status means, it is typically interpreted as you are away or do not intend to use Grupo even if you are at your computer. - Multi-Language Support
Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. Grupo is all built around language localization and lets you change the language strings of any text on your website without having to modify a single line of code. - User Avatar
Grupo User Avatar enables you to use any photo uploaded into your Avatar Library as an avatar. - Custom Avatar or Profile Pic
You can upload your own profile picture other than default avatars in Grupo to use as an avatar in conversations. - Emoji Picker
Emoji picker lets you Send an emojis in a message interaction. It also comes with an extensive search functionality that helps easily get emoji by categories. - Email Notifications
An automatic email notification is sent to inform your members about changes or updates of grupo activities. - Embed Videos
Automattically Converts youtube, dailymotion, twitch, youku & vimeo video links to embeded code. Play videos without leaving Grupo. - System Notifications
Notifications are sent out to your members as soon as one of the following things happen: Mentions, Replies, One to one Chat, Group Invitations & many more. - Convert URL into Link
This features allows automatically converts multiple URLs into links. Make an <a> tag out of an URL. - Mobile version
Grupo should work on most mobile smartphone browsers in the same manner it works on desktop browsers. You can customize the mobile experience in a few different ways. - Share Files
Allows the members of a Grupo site to share videos, pictures, files, literally anything online with other members. - Group & Messages Abuse reporting
Gives your members the possibility to report a messge or grupo as inappropriate. Let your members assist you in making a better community. - Set Shared Files download time
Members have to download files shared within a set time. Once expired the files are automatically deleted fromt he server. You can set the file download expiry time in Grupo settings. - Reply to a specific message
Ability to reply to a specific message in a conversation. Select the Reply button for a specific message to reply to that message. - GDPR Cookie Consent
A simple way to get GDPR Cookie Consent as per EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations. Style it to match your own website. - Multi Device Login
Uers can sign in to their account simultaneously from multiple locations with same username and password from unlimited devices/browsers at a time. - Custom CSS
Add Custom CSS to your Grupo app without any hassles. Allow you to add cascade stylesheet to specific elements. - Headers & Footers
Allows you to add extra scripts to the header and footer. Insert ads, text, media content and external service’s code. - Email Verifications
Grupo Email Verification module verifies the email address of user by sending the verification link to the email of a user at registration time. - Oflline Mode
There may be situations when users just want to browse undisturbed. At those times users can turn on Offline Mode. - Log In as Another User
System Administrators or role with login as user privelleage can log in as any user in your website without asking internal end-users to grant login access. - Easy Installer
Grupo is well-known for its ease of installation. Under most circumstances, installing Grupo is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes to complete. - Custom Background
Custom Background Changer allows users to very easily add seperate custom background image on their user profile. - Set Timezone
Let user decide their timezone. Members are able to change the default timezone using edit profile. - Sound notificaitons
Sound Notifications are played when a user receives a new message in a chatroom, direct message or group chat. - Delete or ban users
Delete User Account and Personal Data or Ban a user from logging into their Grupo account. - Prevent direct access
Prevent Direct Access provides a simple way to protect user files as well as prevent Google, other search engines and unwanted users from indexing and stealing other user files. - JSON with Ajax
Grpo use JSON to pass AJAX updates between the client and the server. JSON with Ajax retrieve data from a server asynchronously without interfering with the display and the behavior of the existing page. - Lazy Loading
Lazy loading Instantly improve Grupo load time and dramatically improve users experience. - Invite users
Users can invite anyone to become a member of their group using their username or email address. - Google Recaptcha
Protect your website against spam and brute-force attacks. Google reCaptcha is a popular service providing anti-abuse security to protect your application. - Enable/Disable User Registration
You can enable or disable new users from registering to your site. You can enable or disable user-registration by routing to Grupo Settings. - Custom 404 Page
A 404 page is what a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your site. Grupo is built in with Custom 404 Page. - Boxed or full width layout
Grupo comes with 2 main layouts for your site, Full-Width or Boxed. You can change the layout by routing to Grupo Settings. - Track/Manage reported Abuse
Users can track the status of their complaints. Group admin & moderators are able to manage the status of existing complaints. - Live search
A very fast live search module that sorts search results by relevance. - Auto Group Join
Auto-join new users to a Grupo group. You can automatically join new users to an existing group on your site by routing to Grupo Settings. - Export Chat History
Users can use the export chat feature to export a copy of the chat history from an individual or group chat. - Bulk Upload Files
Allows Users to upload files in bulk into Grupo from thier device. - Speedy & Secure
Grupo chat rooms are equipped with security features that make hackers and spammers a thing of the past. - & Lots More
Do you have any questions?
We know there are going to be times when you need our help. Please feel free to contact us anytime. – hello@baevox.com
Login Details
- Role: Admin
Username: admin
Password: pass - Role: User
Username: user
Password: pass - Role: Group Admin
Username: groupadmin
Password: pass - Role: Group Moderator
Username: moderator
Password: pass
Installation Services
We do provide Installation Services for free of cost. Once you have purchased Grupo, send us an email to hello@baevox.com with your hosting panel login details. Our favorite quote is, “ease your customers’ pain.”