![Ciuis CRM](https://phpfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Ciuis-CRM.jpg)
You can easily add customers and organize your customers. You can see the summary about your customer on the customer detail page. You can add and organize customer contacts. You can give your customer a risk situation and see the risk situation. You can see your customers’ bills and payments.
You can easily create invoices and enter invoicing items. Quickly organize your bills and invoicing items. You can share the bill with your customer. You can print your invoices if you want to print it.
You can create expenses quickly and easily, and you can track and organize your expenses. You can add and edit the Expense categories.
You can tracking your accounts. You can easily tracking your payments by income your cash accounts or bank accounts. You can easily find out which payment is which account, account balance and account expenses, you can get a summary of your accounts.
You can tacking the support requests that your customers create based on their statuses and priorities, and you can respond to the support request created. You can assign staff to support requests.
You can add staff and authorize your staff. You can tracking the sales and support of your staff.
You can examine your invoice, customer, support and sales reports in detail.
Advanced Line
Here you can tracking all the actions on the system. You can see notifications of bills that are about to over due and past due. You can see payments and expenses notifications You can see event notifications. You can instantly see a created support request.
E-Mail : [email protected]
Passoword: demo
E-Mail : [email protected]
Passoword: demo
Customer Area
E-Mail: [email protected]
Password: demo
Version 1.0.6
Database structures changes. Added proposals. Added voice notifications. Added reminders. Added notes. Re-designed customer area. Re-designed staff screen. Lead modals removed. Added lead detail. Added reminders in sidebar. Added default timezone. Removed scrollbar. Re-designed customer detail page. CI Upgraded PHP version 7.1 UI Improved.
Version 1.0.5
Re-designed customer area. Added reminders for leads. Added lead import from csv. Fixed invoices discount issue. Some bugs are fixed. UI Improved.
Version 1.0.4
Added Português do Brasil language. Some bugs are fixed. Added notes for customers. Added notes for leads. Added currency add button in settings. Added language add button in settings. Improved invoices. Added PayPal Gateway. Fixed lead show add issue. Fixed product edit issue
Version 1.0.3
*This is a critical update. Added lead management. Re-designed staff home screen. Some bugs are fixed. UI Improved. Added staff role.
Version 1.0.2
Top navbar screen resolution placement issue fixed. Money numeral and currency symbol issue fixed. Little bugs are fixed. UI Improved.
Version 1.0.1
Added russian language. Added turkish language. Fixed language issue. Some bugs are fixed.
Version 1.0.0
* Ciuis CRM Version 1.0.0 relased.