CIrbac – CodeIgniter Role Based Access Control System
CIrbac is a start-up web application framework built for PHP coders who want to develop a full-feature web application with CodeIgniter. CIrbac is a powerful ACL system that manages users access for different resources. The resources are the set of controllers and functions of your CodeIgniter project. CIrbac allows you to create unlimited roles for unlimited users and resources and combine them with unlimited rules, without adding additional code in the resources that you want to protect.
CIrbac has several ready application feature, which you can use right away and save you time. This allows you to focus on your core web application functionality. Ready features include Dashboard, Module, Menu, Controllers, Functions, Permission Settings, Role Settings, Session Monitor, Organizations, Section, Post Level, Post Info, Lookup, ID Format, User Info, Employee, Theme Changer etc. More modules will be released in the future.
Server requirements
Apache 2.2 or later
Apache mod_rewrite enabled
PHP 5.3 or later
MySQL 5.x or later
CIrbac Demo Portal: http://www.cirbac.one/
Username: root
Password: 000000
User Guide & Video Tutorial
Online User Guide
Update & Release
Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release : 26/12/2017
Version 1.0.0 - Secondary Release : 05/01/2018