Doctorino - Doctor Chamber Management System

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Password: doctorino
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Doctorino is a responsive patient management system. It is complete solution for doctor to manage their patient appointments, patient details and also manage billing of particular patient. This system is built completely with PHP Laravel 7 framework and MYSQL. It has a nice and attractive interface that are really awesome and eyecatching. The system has a lot of nice features that are needed for a doctor to handle their patients easily.

This system is bulit using PHP Laravel 7 framework. For this reason, it can be customized easily by most of the developers. In all pages, all security checks and invalid page submission checking were done so invalid user cannot access your system and your data will be safe.


  1. Easy and simple interface to use
  2. Fully responsive for any kind of device
  3. Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
  4. Easy appointment scheduling
  5. Can see past or future appointments in appointment page
  6. Easily store prescription of particular patient for future use
  7. Manage billing of particular patient
  8. Can print prescription and invoice of particular patient
  9. Add, edit or remove patient details
  10. Manage doctor’s profile
  11. Translated to 3 languages : English, Spanish and French (We Can translate for you just contact-us)

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