![Modern - Education Management System](https://phpfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Modern-Education-Management-System.jpg)
Hello Good People, Modern – EMS is a easy online application for managing any Educational Organization, Result Generation and Publication with save/print option. It is user friendly and fully responsive with suitable design.
Main Features:
- Authorized Admin Panel
- User Friendly Responsive Design
- Easy Information Assigning Process
- Smart Student, Teacher assigning
- Smart Department, Course and semester management
- Maintain Class Schedule
- Online Result Publication
- And many more facilities
Check the screenshots…
Demo Access:
Admin Access: https://modern-ems.alustech.com/login.php
Username: [email protected] || Password: 123456
Support Facility:
Please send us your product pre-sale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support: [email protected]
Source and Credit
Design Framework Used are:
Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/
JavaScript Library Used are:
Icon Used are:
Fontawsome Icons https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
And Others:
Select2 https://select2.org/
DataTables https://datatables.net/
Free Installation Support