![Auctioneer - Full Auction management](https://phpfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Auctioneer-Full-Auction-management.jpg)
Auctioneer is a place where buyer and seller will be able to buy and sell products in different types of auction process. Where seller will create auction by posting the selling item’s picture with details of it along with the minimum bid amount. In given time by seller of auction, buyer will post their proposal in amount and winner will be chosen by the rules of the auction that seller has given when he/she created the auction it will be (rules) will be shown in the details of the specific auction.
Auction Types
Highest Bid Auction Blind Bid Auction Unique Bid Auction Vickrey Auction
Demo Users
username: buyer password: buyer username: seller password: seller username: superadmin password: superadmin