Khadyo Restaurant Software with Online Ordering Website

Khadyo Restaurant Software is one of the most promising softwares for Restaurant Management. It includes a great looking and easy to use POS system.

This has been built with React Js, which means an user will not face any reload every time after browsing the website.

The server of this system has been developed with Laravel. So the performance and speed of this software is remarkable.

Khadyo restaurant software has been developed with a purpose to manage the restaurant in the easiest way possible. So, all the features here are very meaningful and user friendly.

It has a Permission-based user panel. Admin can assign POS, Settings, Kitchen, and other functionality specific to a user.

There are dynamic report generation features. Admin/User can generate different reports.

Kitchen dashboard is very easy to use and it has very attractive design.


To check the demo:
Admin Credentials: email:, password: khadyo@123

Version 1.6.0

New features:
- Delivery man Dashboard
- Order assigning by POS user
- Alarm in Delivery dashboard on new order assigned

Version 1.5.0

New features frontend:
- Restaurant website
- Online order
- Online Customer Registration
- Customer Login and Profile
New features backend:
- New online order Ring notification in POS
- Online Customer Listing
- Online Order Print bill
- Accept/Cancel online orders

Version 1.4.1

- Print bill copy, "undefined" text in the bill (version 1.4.0) fixed

Version 1.4.0

New Features:
- 2nd POS SCREEN Functionality for settle
- POS screen selection from admin dashboard
- Department tag commission system (e.g. dyne in / takeaway commission)
- Service charge and discount in both % or Flat money supported, admin decides which one to apply
- Order Token RESET after each Work Period ENDS
- Print bill copy for customers after order is Settled, from order history and settled orders page

Version 1.3.0

New Feature:
- Update to latest version from admin (supported from this version to future updates)

Version 1.2.1

- Print bill, branch address shown on bill
- Property price multiplied by item qty in Item wise report when more than 1 qty ordered of same food.

Version 1.2.0

New Features:
- Department Tag wise report
- Service Charge wise report
- Discount wise report
- POS page mobile screen, work period selection info in center

Version 1.0.1

- login bug fixed on various servers 
- import sql issue solved for different servers
- php version 7.4 required, unlimited loading while installation issue fixed

Version: 1.0.0

- Initial release

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