Kingsmen v2.8 - Automated Investment Trading Script

For bug fixes, inquiries, customization, send a request ticket here, please make it as simple as possible. Thank you

Kingsmen is an AUTOMATED STOCKBROKER SCRIPT made with Laravel Framework. It’s Built to be beautiful, fast, and powerful. KINGSMEN is a modern investment script built to help you get your investment platform running in no time. It has a very user-friendly user interface. It supports a fully automated investment system with automated profit top up without the use of cronjobs. The best payment gateways have been seamlessly integrated, such as PayPal, stripe, blockchain, paystack, vogue pay, coin payment, and lots more. We are doing continuous improvements to make it more stable in the long run. We are using the latest and advanced technology Where Security is our primary concern.

We are not responsible for what you use this script for, Strictly for helping Stockbrokers manage clients

What we don’t provide support for, must-read

Never delete any data from PHPMyAdmin, except via script. We won’t provide support to clients that cause bugs by deleting stuff from PHPMyAdmin instead of the script.

New Features on Kingsmen 2.0@ 05/07/2020

  • Multi-language support, 5 new languages including, french, german, china, Hindi and Spanish will be available
  • Buying Plans with Coupon
  • User option to enable trading earnings to be published on platform
  • Share trade button to share trading activities
  • Trade plan and activity has been differentiated
  • User Homepage tweaks
  • Total Earnings is been logged
  • Coinpayment Ethereum
  • Top earners
  • Detailed platform trading statistics
  • Audit Logs
  • Recurring trading activities
  • More Automated Emails
  • Bug fixes
  • Recaptcha

Wondering What Payment gateway is supported

  • Stripe
  • Perfect Money
  • Paypal
  • Skrill
  • Vogue Pay
  • Paystack
  • Flutterwave
  • Blockchain BTC
  • Coinpayment BTC
  • Coinpayment ETH

Wondering Why coinpayment is showing failed to process

  • Ensure the coin you want to receive is added to your coinpayment accepted coins
  • In api key page, ensure certain persmissions are checked!!!
  • create_transaction
  • get_tx_info
  • get_callback_address
  • rates
  • create_transfer


=> Fixed login page logo size issues bug
=> Fixed team image upload bug


=> Fixed declining deposit issue which credits user


=> Fixed currency conversion for coinpayment deposit
=> Fixed images automatically being converted to png or jpg file


=> Fixed Coinpayment deposit not auto updating 
=> Fixed images automatically being converted to png or jpg file
=> Fixed Account deletion bug
=> Added End date for each trading activity   


=> Fixed 404 error caused by missing htaccess file


=> Fixed Stripe Issue


=> 2fa verification bug 
=> Password reset bug
=> core/app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php
=> core/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php
=> core/app/Http/Controllers/User/ForgotPasswordController.php
=> core/app/Http/Controllers/User/ResetPasswordController.php
=> core/app/Http/Middleware/CheckStatus.php
=> core/app/Http/Middleware/Tfa.php
=> core/routes/web.php
=> asset/dashboard/css/argon.css
=> core/resources/views/userlayout.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/user/trading/trades.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/user/profile/audit.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/user/index.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/user/profile/index.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/user/profile/verify.blade.php
=> core/resources/views/auth/2fa.blade.php

=> core/app/Http/Controllers/Auth/faController.php


=> Sending Email Bug
=> UI can now be totally changed from admin
=> Added withdrawals on homepage
=> Added stats on homepage


=> Sending Emial Bug
=> Fixed trading activity bug

Upgrading to v2.0

If your site is still running on v1.0, upgrading to v2.0 will require you to upload a new database.sql and script from the update file. Having issues with setting up email, there is a tutorial in documentation to sort that out.

User features

  1. Cross-browser optimized design
  2. Easy Signup/login
  3. Secure dashboard
  4. Trading system
  5. Multiple Deposit Methods
  6. Account settings
  7. Send Money
  8. KYC verification
  9. Payout system
  10. Tawk, Twilio has be integrated
  11. Withdraw system
  12. 2fa security
  13. Automated Emails
  14. Manual Withdraw
  15. Automated Deposit Methods with Bank transfer

Admin features

  1. Blog management
  2. Faq management
  3. Webpages management
  4. Interface control
  5. Social links
  6. Privacy policy
  7. Terms & conditions
  8. Withdrawal management
  9. Email settings
  10. SMS settings
  11. Basic settings
  12. Messages
  13. User management
  14. Money Transfer management
  15. Referral management
  16. Trading & Plan system
  17. Deposit management
  18. more…

Admin Access:
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: 1234
User Access:
User Login:Email: || Password: junejune

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