Laraship Classifieds comes with a complete set of features to start your classifieds and ads website with minimum effort needed, powered by Laravel framework
make sure to get the extended license to receive automatic updates and premium support
Classifieds management :
- Location Managment: a Geo Location management integrated with google geolocation API
- Category & Attribute Management: Multi-level categories with a different attribute set for each category to give unique details per listing type.
- Tags Management: to Power your listing search capability
- Product Management: at both superuser and classified listing type with two unique experiences.
- Search Engine: Amazing Product listing page with powerful search results using Full-text search indexes.
- Awesome Classified Theme using Bootstrap 4 (More to come ..)
- Add Products to Wishlist “Favourite”
- Ability to report products.
- Send classifieds for friends.
- User Ratings and Reviews
- User Portfolio Page.
- Multiple Currencies to display product prices.
- Social Sharing.
- Image Gallery with Lightbox.
- and a lot more.
Content Management :
- Page Managment.
- Blog with Posts, Categories, Tags.
- SEO friendly: titles and meta tags and meta for twitter and open graph.
- Page Builder: edit your pages on the fly.
- Slider Manager: includes video / image and HTML types.
- Google Analytics Integration: visitor analytics on your dashboard.
User Management :
- User Management.
- Social Login: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Github.
- Notification Management.
- Two Factor Authentication using Authy.
- Profile Management: with Profile image cropper.
- Multiple Profile Addresses: shipping, billing…
- Access Control: including Roles and Permissions
- Authentication Management : Login / Register / Forgot Password.
Website Manager :
- Menu Builder: Manage dashboard and website menus
- Setting Management: handle different settings like single value, array, files, numeric…
- Activity log : monitors user activities and handle exceptions.
- File Manager: manage your files and embed them easily to HTML editors.
- Awesome Dashboard: with System overview analytics.
- Widgets: snippets to be included easily.
- Communication Manager : Manage Email Templates.
- Cache Manager Boost Performance.
Features :
- Latest Version of Laravel with Laravel 5.5 & Bootstrap 4
- Automatic Remote updates for Modules (extended license).
- Theme Management.
- Custom Fields: Add Additional Fields to Models using Custom Fields Manager
- Actions and Filters Hooks for ease of customization
- Encrypted URLs, SSL tested to ensure security
- AdminLTE theme for the dashboard and additional frontend theme.
- RTL supported themes with localization ready, Arabic & Portugess available
- Responsive and tested on all modern browsers.
- Modular structure for scalability and maintainability.
- Periodic updates and additional features.
- Incredible support team.
- Available for Freelance and customizations.
- Detailed documentation.
- Widgets & Shortcodes for easy embedding.
- Multiple Currencies.
Official Website : https://www.laraship.com/
Demo URL https://classifieds.laraship.com/login
Documentation https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/
Looking for Installation Service https://www.laraship.com/product/installation-service/
v1.1 – 02/08/2018
- Add Content Translation - Add Utility Module to Manage Locations / Reviews / Ratings - Add Announcement Module integration - Module Manager command line additional options - Enhancements & Fixes
v1.0 – 07/28/2018
Initial release![]()