SALE! Now get LicenseBox at just $29.
LicenseBox is aimed to be a full-fledged license and updates manager for PHP applications, plugins/themes etc. LicenseBox is made up of two parts, the first part is the main script itself this will be installed/hosted on your own server and the second part is a single .php script this will be included in your PHP application on which you wish to use LicenseBox.
- Manage licenses
- Manage updates
- Easy installation
- Support for Envato purchase codes
- NEW Domain/IP based license restriction
- NEW Expiration date based license restriction
- NEW Save license info in local encrypted (.lic) file for checking license automatically
- Add check for updates feature in your scripts
- Define your own license format
- Push new updates for your scripts in one click
- View where your scripts are being installed
- Included API helper file for easy integration
- NEW Sample installer, updater and activator pages
- NEW Sample WordPress plugin for illustrating the use of licensebox with WordPress.
- NEW General settings page
- Include LicenseBox in any PHP script/framework
- Included sample codes with live examples
- API is protected using API keys
- Use it in Unlimited scripts
- and much more.
Sample installer demo: http://techdynamics.org/licensebox_samples/install
Sample activator demo: http://techdynamics.org/licensebox_samples/activate
Sample updater demo: http://techdynamics.org/licensebox_samples/update
Sample wordpress-plugin integration demo: Leave us an email and we will arrange you a demo of the sample plugin.
Admin panel demo: http://www.techdynamics.org/licensebox_demo
Admin Login:
Username: admin
Password: admin1234
LicenseBox is not limited to installers and updaters it offers a wide range of easy to use functions so that you can use licensebox however you like in your application, plugin etc
- PHP 5.5 or later, PHP 7 Recommended
- MySQL 5 or later
- PDO PHP Extension
- Curl PHP Extension
- Openssl PHP Extension
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at teamcodemonks@gmail.com.
Version 1.1.0 (Minor)
- Added Domain/IP based license restriction
- Added Expiration date based license restriction
- Added API helper file generator
- Added Encrypted Local .lic for saving license info
- Included Sample script activator
- Included Sample WordPress-plugin for illustrating how licensebox can be used in a plugin
- Added more relevant fields to add product and create license page
- Added General settings page
- Improved and expanded the documentation
- Inbuilt LicenseBox updater is now active future versions will be directly updated
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 1.0.1 (Patch)
- Digest Auth replaced by API Tokens
- Included sample installer and updater
- Added update download counts
- API Improvements
- New API function for license check
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release