Midrub Social Access is a collection with classes for social sign up and sign in. These classes allows to sign up in Midrub with several clicks. These classes were written for the new Midrub’s core and you can use them to allow your clients access faster to Midrub.
At this moment the Midrub Social Access collection contains Instagram, Odnoklassniki, VK, Linkedin and Google. In the future will be added other classes for same scope(sign up and sign in).
You can use these classes with existing default classes in Midrub: Twitter and Facebook. These classes are easy to configure and you need to ask a basic permission only for Instagram api(in the zip you will find the screencast to send and text). For VK you have to create a new application even if you have already one. For OK, new permissions aren’t required.
The new Midrub’s core allows to decide with several clicks which social option will be available for sign up and sign in. With the Midrub Social Access’s collection you will have totally 7 social option for sign up and sign in.
To be able to use the new Midrub core with this collection you need at least PHP 7.0. Midrub Social Access requires Midrub