How many users signed up today?
How many have not added an account?
I would like to log into my client’s account, but I do not want to ask for the password. How?
NextPost is an amazing script, but miss some management features.
But dont worry. This plugin will save your life!
These modules are not standalone app. You need to get main Nextpost Instagram app to use these modules. You can get main Nextpost Instagram app from: https://goo.gl/IZNMaA
See the video demo on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Aw8wkazKg
Hey, guys!
I’ve just finished 2 new modules to next post!
1. Advanced Analytics: a module that show a daily growing of any IG profile (and more)!
Just watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAMuI_eb2EI
2. Quick Setup: A module that allow users setup all automations (follow, unfollow, like, etc) at once: See in action:
Contact us to grab your copy.
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2.0.1 2018-07-31
CHANGES: - Minor security improvements UPDATE INSTRUCTION: - Replace all modules files from the old version