eRegister is a form registration platform that allows creating Free / Paid registration forms, distribute and track audiences.
Using a powerful dashboard for multiple user levels, allow admins, creators or users to manage their data with ease.
URL shortener will bring the advantage of sharing forms all over the internet beautifully.
All generated forms are designed to share in easiest way on the social networks and add to calendars to remind.
Keep in touch about the latest release on my twitter @ardawanizadi.
This web application is written in PHP v5.6 using CodeIgniter v3.x framework as the back-end and CSS3 using UIKit v3.x as the front-end.
Made for
eRegister made for anyone or any organization(Institute) that is running classes, events, workshops or training sessions which need to get their audience’s information and keeps in touch with them.
The project’s goal is not to stop here, in the future versions, will be able to support more industries.
Admin/Creator can create/design their desired forms that meet their requirements. This feature allows you to collect any information about your audience.
Some forms need to charge the audience before enrollment. Because of this, eRegister has an online payment system that allows admin charge and keeps track of audience’s transactions.
You can keep in touch with your audiences after enrollment until the due date and even after that, thanks to Internal Message System.
The eRegister is supporting by ardawan.com for the long term. The long-term support includes keeping updating the frameworks after releasing a new version, creating new features to the platform, listening to users request/feedbacks to improve, bug reports which will treat very fast to make sure to fix the bug as soon as possible.
Contact me at hi[at]ardawan[dot]com for any feedback or bug report.
The support does NOT include installation, your server misconfigurations, customization on the platform, adding new features based on your personal needs or redesign the UI. If you need help to do so, you need to hire me as a freelancer to do the job for you which has its own cost.
Contact me at hi[at]ardawan[dot]com to discuss your situation.
eRegister powered by ardawan.com and sells exclusively on Codecanyon.
Please report me any misuse or other sources that they are selling the same software.
Demo account
username: admin
password: admin