CRMGo SaaS - Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool


CRMGo SaaS is the most competent utility tool to help you manage every aspect of HR, presales, projects, sales and contracts with the utmost ease. It’s difficult to manage various tools for varying business purposes. With CRMGo, you can manage every aspect of your business under one tool. With a SAAS version create plans using a super admin login.

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Url : Demo Link
Login as Super Admin : / 1234
Login as Company : / 1234
Login as Employee : / 123456
Login as Client : 123456

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What to expect from CRMGo SaaS – Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool

  • A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
  • Easy management of staff details, be it employees or clients, with easy filter options
  • Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to resignation, from training to performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with CRMGo
  • Managing presales effectively through leads, deals and estimate management
  • Kanban and list view for convenience of users
  • Manage minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation
  • Manage invoice, payments, expenses and credit notes through easy clicks. Never miss on the due date from now on
  • Keep a tab on expiring contracts
  • Chat with users without having to switch tools
  • Manage your goals with CRMGo
  • Get a detailed report on each aspect of project, sales, HR and presales
  • Customize your business, system and print settings in CRMGo
  • Available in Multiple languages
  • Get your payments done with Stripe and Paypal payment gateway.

Salient features of CRMGo SaaS – Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool

Create plans and make payment- a special SAAS feature

With a super admin login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select an appropriate pricing and duration for created plan. Make payment using stripe and paypal payment gateway. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

The stunning Dashboard

CRMGo has the most comprehensive dashboard with all the essential details under one head. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute details like total clients, users, Invoice, projects, estimations to leads, Deals and items, you can get quantitative data in the most simple layout. You get an overview of estimates, Invoice, top due payments, projects and tasks to take timely actions. Get a reminder of meeting schedules, expiring contracts, weekly events and new clients as you scroll down. Lastly, a pie chart can help you understand various project status. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

Manage Staff

Manage your employee and clients personal as well as company details through an easy to create options. You can edit and manage the information and status as per your convenience. You can search for staff through easy filter options based on department and designation.

Employee Management

Through a detailed HR section, you can manage Attendance, holidays, leaves, Meetings, Assets, Documents and company policies. Create, edit and filter as per your convenience. You get a detailed understanding of each aspect of the employee. You can also manage awards, transfers, promotion, complaints and many such HR aspects of employees with easy tabs. Training and performance of each employee can be planned, handled and taken care of with CRMGo.

Manage Pre-Sales

Leads Management

You can view all the generated leads through a KAnban and List view. Create pipelines and add assign stages to various leads. You can manage the leads by adding users, items, files, notes, sources, call details, emails and discussion. Get all the requisite information on any particular lead in an easily laid layout.

Deal Management

Just like lead management, you can view deals in Kanban or List view. Get an overview of deals in a week, month and deals in the last 30 days. Assign tasks, products, files and users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal details. In short, managing deals has never been easier.


Keep a tab on issued estimates. Manage the estimates by assigning clients, status, and expiry dates to each. You can easily generate new estimates by assigning clients, category, issue and expiry date. You can add items in the required quantity and apply discounts and tax as requisite. Generate estimates within minutes through CRMGo.

Project Management


You can manage and filter each project available in Kanban and list view again. Get an overview of project status, expenses, budget and due date to manage projects. Add or remove the users and check tasks completed by them. Create a task list and assign priority to each task. Get an overview of tasks through Kanban board. Add milestones, notes, files, comments, payments, timesheets, client feedback, expenses, Invoice and anything related to project.
Think of a project and consider everything you would need to manage for a successful project. Well, you get to manage them easily with CRMGo.


Successful project implementation requires small tasks that can help achieve the ultimate goal. Well, you can manage various tasks through an easy filter option. View the priority of each task and due dates to complete each task. You can also add a checklist for tasks and track your progress. Again add comments and files as required.

Project Timesheet

Create timesheet by assigning projects, tasks, and users. Assign a starting and ending date as well as time. This allows you to manage your project most efficiently.

Managing Items

Add items and assign categories, purchase and sales price, tax, units, product type to them. Conclusively, everything you would want to keep a tab on.

Sales Management

Manage various aspects of sales like sending Invoice, making payments, managing expenses and credit notes in a single tool. You can create new invoices and edit existing ones. Add new products and receipts to existing Invoice, edit payments and products. Resend the Invoice, send the payment reminders and print the Invoice simply through a click.
Similarly, you can manage payments, expense and credit notes with the utmost ease. All in all, keep all your sales fears at bay.

Keep a tab on Contracts

It’s hard to keep everything aligned in business. However, never miss on a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts with utmost ease by assigning start and due date along with contract type, value, client and a description if required.


A unique support code would be generated for each query. You can assign priority and attachments. Easily manage the support queries by keeping a tab on them.

Events and Notice Board

Always be prepared for an upcoming event. Assign employees and departments to each event reminder. Create events and add descriptions so as to always keep a tab. Create and issue a notice to users, clients or employees.

Goals and Notes

You can create goals and choose whether or not to display them on the dashboard. You can also add files to your notes for support. Simple, isn’t it?


Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of graphs for tasks, time logs, financial details, Income/ Expenses. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also get a detailed report of Leaves, Estimates, Invoice and many such similar aspects.

CRM settings

Manage business and company settings. Customize your system settings and print settings for Invoice and estimates. Also, manage the pusher settings.

Multiple Languages

CRMGo is available in multiple languages, add/edit your own languages.


Here you can see what updates came out and did we bring new to the version. Check Changelog


Please send support request here for any issues, questions or suggestions. To save time and get quick feedback, please don’t ask for support in comments section.

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