Raffle / Lottery Add-on for Crypto Casino

Crypto Casino - raffle

About Raffle Add-on

Raffle is an add-on for the Crypto Casino application.
This add-on allows to run raffles (lotteries) for all users on a regular basis.
It can not be installed and used on its own without having Crypto Casino purchased and installed first.

How it works

Raffles automatically start according to a schedule specified by a website administrator.
Each website user can participate in the raffle by purchasing raffle tickets.
A random ticket will be drawn at the end of the raffle.
The ticket owner will win the pot, which represents a certain percentage (set by a website administrator) of all purchased tickets value.

All raffles start and complete automatically without human intervention.

Raffle Features

Game settings

A casino administrator can:

  • Set raffle schedule (e.g. every 5 hours with 1 hour lag between raffles)
  • Set ticket price
  • Set total number of tickets
  • Limit max number of tickets that each user can purchase
  • Set the pot size (as % amount of all purchased tickets value)

Bots integration

A casino administrator can enable bots in raffles. On a specific schedule a random number of bots
will be selected. They will purchase a random number of tickets. The administrator can specify
min and max number of bots and min and max number of tickets to be purchased during each cycle.

Referral program integration

A casino administrator can set how much (% of the raffle ticket price)
the referrer user will get when a referred user purchases a ticket.

Demo environment

Please sign up at Crypto Casino to test the application.
You can use the following credentials to check the backend features:

user: demo@financialplugins.com, password: admin

System requirements

  • Crypto Casino 1.10.1 or higher.


Raffle / Lottery Add-on for Crypto Casino - 1


v1.0.0 - 27 September 2019
- Initial release.

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