![Restab & POS](https://phpfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Restab-POS.jpg)
Restab is Restaurant tablewise billing system(POS). complete solution for Restaurant. This CMS Includes almost everything needed in a Restaurant billing system. We made this fully responsive so that every device can get an access.We use CodeIgniter as a framework.its very easy to changes. This Restab Management System allows multiple admin and multiple User. admin can observe whatever a User doing what? How many sells posts by a Waiter? etc. Cashier(Waiter) can only sell products and does not have any access to delete anything form the system. we provide user-right also for any other user. admin set and reset password or permission of access.
Features :
1. Easy and cool design
2. Simple Common Login with Admin & User
3. Simple step to Sales and serve Restaurant Product
a. Choose Table
b. Choose Product
c. Choose Billno & Create Series
d. Quick Customer Add
e. Set Discount
4. Complete information of Sales & Restaurant
a. Tablewise Bill Reports & other option like Between Date,Today,Weekly,Montly
b. unique Bill No.
c. Cutomer billing Datewise
d. logo & address and bill system config
e. Easy add product with unlimited option
5. SMS Config (User can Send simple message with Bill notification to Customer)
6. User Managment & User Right
7. PDF & Excel Reports
8. Application allow to use multi language.(google languages tools)
9. User Management
Demo URL : http://pos.rudleobulksms.in/
Username : admin Password : admin