Tchatbot is an app for Midrub. You can’t use it without Midrub.
Tchatbot is a app for Midrub which allows to auto reply to the Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels messages and posts. The app can be provided as SAAS service.
You can see all it’s features in this video https://youtu.be/wpV_cXICBRU
The Tchatbot app has 7 sections:
- Replies – contains a list with quick replies used to auto reply to messages and posts received in the followed Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels. In each reply you can set the accuracy(for keywords which are used as condition for auto replies). In each reply you will see the collected subscribers by the reply. Each reply has a graph to display the last 30 days activities for processed messages/posts.
- Channels and Groups – allows you to connect new Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels. Moreover you have the option to manage the connected Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels. You can there connect your Telegram Groups and Telegram Channels to the Tchatbot app’s bot, create default responses and select the categories.
- Subscribers – contains the list with saved subscribers. At this moment the subscribers aren’t saved with name and photo because the webhook request don’t provides the user’s information. Instead name you will see the Channel or Group’s name(at least for now). Moreover, you can see the conversation and the selected automatically the Quick Reply’s category.
- History – contains all received messages/posts. Each conversation(message/post) is saved separately and you can see if the bot has replied the message or post. In each conversation you will see the Telegram Group’s or Channel’s name.
- Phone Numbers – shows all saved phone numbers from the Telegram Groups and Channels messages/posts. The phone are divided by page and you can use the search engine to search the phone numbers. The Export CSV button allows to export the phone numbers in a CSV file. Moreover, if you’re clicking on the Phone numbers, you will get the History’s conversation from where was saved the phone number.
- Email Addresses – shows all save email addresses from the Telegram Groups and Channels messages/phones. When someone contacts you with an email in Telegram Channels or Groups, his email is saved and you’re seeing the notification in the Replies page. The email addresses are divided by pages and each page shows 10 email addresses. The search engine allows to search for email addresses. By clicking on the Export CSV, all email addresses will be saved in a CSV file. By clicking on a email address, you will get the History’s conversation from where was taken the email.
- Audit Logs – shows 5 widgets with the app’s activity. You will see there the number of replied messages/posts, saved subscribers, number of connected Telegram Groups and Channels, Replies Stats in the last 30 days and popular Quick Replies. Both Replies Stats and Quick Replies could be filtered by Telegram Groups and Channels. The Popular Quick Replies are showed in descending order and you can see how many times each has been used.
The app uses webhooks and you have to read about them here https://www.midrub.com/articles/webhooks-for-tchatbot
You can restrict this app by plans and the user is able to restrict this app by team’s role.