Shorty is a Link Shortener Platform, that allows you to easily shorten links, and provide analytics, based on the audience’s location and platform data.
Users can create shorten versions of long URLs, protect them with the password, and set the expiration date.
The installation process is pretty quick and easy. Just follow the documentation steps.
Home: https://shorty.envant.me
Panel: https://shorty.envant.me/login
email: admin@test.com
password: secret
email: user@test.com
password: secret
Development stack
- Built on top of Laravel 7.x
- Vue.js SPA (Single Page Application)
- Tailwind CSS, Responsive design
User Features
LINKS – Quickly shorten your links, protect them with password, and set an expiration date. Tag your links to search them quickly.
ANALYTICS – Get detailed analytics of your audience, based on their Location, Device, Platform, Browser etc.
DOMAINS – Add your own domains or use public ones. Brand your links to increase your CTR.
SECURITY – Permission-based role system and secure password hashing.
Admin Features
DASHBOARD – Get the insights of all the links added to the system.
USERS – View, create and modify existing users.
DOMAINS – Manage public domains, view and edit customer domains.
LINKS – View, modify and block the links added to your website.
SECURITY – Manage roles, assign access rights.
Features in development
- Subscriptions, plans
- Geo targeting
- Device targeting
- Advertising system
v1.1.0 – 07/06/2020
- Platform (device) targeting
- Link rotation for A/B testing
- Frontend disabling ability
- Other minor fixes and improvements
v.1.0.7 – 06/21/2020
- Added custom link short-code feature
- Added app settings section
- Fixed admin dashboard permissions
- Other minor fixes and improvements
v.1.0.6 – 06/16/2020
- Added custom user domains feature
- Refined admin section codebase
- Fixed bundle size minification
- Fixed Dashboard styles
- Other minor fixes and improvements