Hello! Friends
This Addon is made for emart – Laravel Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Advanced CMS. By adding this add-on provide more rich experience to your customer by SMS management for login / register / forgot password and order related sms
SMS Addon Included
- MimSMS (for Bangladesh)
- Exabytes (Malaysia)
You will need to make sure meets the following requirements:
- emart – Laravel Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Advanced CMS version should be 3.0 or above (IF not then kindly update your version).
- emart – Laravel Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Advanced CMS should be pre-installed and running on your server / local system.
- PHP version 7.4.15 must be.
Demo & Authorization
URL:Click Here https://emart.mediacity.co.in/demo/public/admin/login
Username: admin@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Username: admin02@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
URL:Click Here https://emart.mediacity.co.in/demo/public/seller/login
Username: seller01@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Username: seller02@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Username: seller03@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
URL:Click Here https://emart.mediacity.co.in/demo/public/login
Username: user01@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Username: user02@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Username: user03@mediacity.co.in
Password: 12345678
Note: Any media – Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included in this item and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. Read help file for more details after you purchase the template.