The eClasster is a web-based tuition class management system specially developed for teachers & educational institutions. We only keep the most important features. So that means we are trying to make the system easy for use.
Please follow the below demo login credentials to test the eClasster.
===Admin Login===
Login URL :- https://demo.eclasster.com/login/
Email :- admin@demo.com
Password :- 12345678
===Teacher Login===
Login URL :- https://demo.eclasster.com/login/
Email :- teacher@demo.com
Password :- 12345678
===Student Login===
Login URL :- https://demo.eclasster.com/login/
Email :- student@demo.com
Password :- 12345678
We also provide a free installation service for the first 20 customers. So you do not need to spend money again to install eClasster on your server. Support is available on 12/7 if you have any issues.
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements.
- PHP 7.2.5+
- MySQL 5.6+
- BCMath PHP Extension
- SSL Certificate
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- MBString PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
- Json PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- How activate the license? ==> Please send us your domain name. we will activate license for you.
- No refunds once downloaded.
- One license can be use for only one domain.
2020/10/30 (version 1.2)
- Laravel installer wizard added. - Bug fixed.
2020/10/13 (version 1.1)
- Settings option added for admin. - Razorpay payment gateway added. - Now the administrator can earn a commission from each online payment. - Landing page added. - Bug fixed.