SellIt is an app for Midrub. You can’t use it without Midrub.
SellIt is an app for Midrub which was created with the scope to provide the easiest way to sell anything on social networks and with ads. It allows to create even 1000 items pages with several clicks and start to sell them anywhere on
the web.
How the SellIt app works?
- First you have to configure the payments gateways from the SellIt app -> Payments Page(by default there is PayPal and Stripe but new payments gateways will be available in the near future).
Click on the New Item and enter the required information(item’s name, description, price, currency code, currency symbol, select photos, select a model which will be used as template for your item and select the payment gateways).
Click on the Save Item button and the item will be created. There are more options but are optionally. - You will be redirected to the item’s page where you can copy the link from the Publish Tab -> Item’s URL and share it wherever you want.
After this, in the Invoices Page -> Template button(click), you can custom the invoices which will be generated for success payments. The template allows even to decide which information you can collect from the buyers(you can
read more here
). - All transactions are displayed in the Transactions Page. You can click on transaction to get information about the purchased item and about the buyer. You can change even the transaction’s status.
If someone has seen your item, but didn’t finished the transaction, he will be saved as lead and you will be able to see him in the Leads Page. In the near future, the SellIt app will be able even to save the guests which are
getting your items pages from the social networks. - In the Statistics page you can see how many items you have sold by day and which are the most popular items.
You can see how works this app in these videos: https://youtu.be/BKZ1JioCW7A – https://youtu.be/s9xabHeIt2U
By default the SellIt app has 5 models which you can select for your items to create the items pages. Each item has it features which you can enable for your item. Each item has the Cookies modal which allows you to respect the GDRP.
The models are easy to create and you can see step by step how to create a model here
Any item could be published immediately, scheduled for a future time or saved as draft. If an item is scheduled, it will be published at the published time. Some models allows even to setup and countdown and disable the item after some
The Stock Restrictions allows to limit the number of sales. This option is useful if you have a limited number of items and you wish to avoid to sell more items than you have. The Stock Availability Notification allows to decide when
you will receive an email notification about the item’s sales.
The item’s description could have html content, images and videos. The format buttons provides a quick way to format the description.
In the Items page you will get the Import button which allows to import multiple items with a click. By clicking on the Import button, you will see a modal with a link to download a CSV example. You could import one or multiple items.
After importing of a CSV file, you have to select a model for your items(required), price(required), currency symbol(required), Tax(optional), Short Description(optional), Payments(required) and Category(optional). You could even see
the imported items and delete some of them before publish. By clicking on the button Save, all items will be published and will be displayed the direct link for all published items. You can copy the links and share them.
This is app has SAAS support and each user will receive the money on his account(PayPal, Stripe, PayU, etc.). Therefore, each user should to configure at least a payment gateway.
You can install the SellIt app with one click and you can update it from the administrator panel with several clicks. If you have a team, you could decide which role will have access to use this app.
You can get more information here:
- Information about the app: https://www.midrub.com/categories/sellit-2
- Information about the app usage: https://www.midrub.com/categories/sellit
- Information about the app configuration: https://www.midrub.com/categories/sellit-4