Green Support - The Support Management System

If you need any feature or modify any module, You can freely contact me We always provide you the best support and solution.

Green Support is a powerful support management system where you can easily manage your client support. It has a live chat and ticket management feature with built in email notification feature. It’s a web-based application where you can easily manage you customer support. If you are looking for the best support management tools I hope Green Support is best for you.

Support Demo
Support Documentation

Login Details

For Admin


Password: 123456

For Support Engineer


Password: 123456

For Client


Password: 123456

Admin Panel


Ticket List and Status Change


Ticket View & Reply






User List


General Setting


Email Setting


Frontend Home Page


Ticket Page(for client)


My Ticket List(For Login User)


Ticket View




System Required

If You want to install GREEN Support successfully. Then your server need to have following extension.

  1. PHP >= 7.2.5
  2. MYSQL 5.7.30 +
  3. BCMath PHP Extension
  4. Ctype PHP Extension
  5. Fileinfo PHP extension
  6. JSON PHP Extension
  7. Mbstring PHP Extension
  8. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  9. PDO PHP Extension
  10. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  11. *XML PHP Extension

Installation Process

  1. First download this script and upload this zip script your web server.
  2. Unzip the script folder in your hosting server.
  3. Then set your server php version 7.2.5+
  4. Then set your mysql version 5.7.31+
  5. Then set your domain document root – the public path of this project
  6. After that you create a database manually using Cpanel/Phpmyadmin.
  7. After that you create a Pusher Account and create a pusher app.
  8. After that run the install script path from any web browser (
  9. Then fill up all input field to successfully install this script.
  10. Good Luck!!!

Feature Module (For Admin)

  1. Dashboard Tiles
  2. Powerful Ticket Module
  3. Conversation Module
  4. Category Module
  5. User Management
  6. Site Configure module
  7. Email Configure

Feature Module (For Client)

  1. Home Page
  2. Create Ticket Page
  3. My Ticket Page
  4. Live Chage Page
  5. Contact Page
  6. Login
  7. Register
  8. Change Password

Upcoming Feature in version 1.5

  1. Screen sharing feature
  2. Ticket Module UI updated
  3. Paid Support
  4. FAQ Support
  5. UI interface inprovement and much more

Change Log

  1. Initial release


We are ready to solve your problems as soon as possible. Please feel free to write to us at .We will try our best to get your five-star rating. thank you.

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