Eventic is a powferful event management and ticket sales system like Eventbrite, TicketMaster, Twickets… Based on the robust and secure Symfony framework, Eventic offers to event organizers a set of handy features in order to manage their events, from creating their event page, to registering attendees with a fast mobile application.
In the era of Covid-19, most of the events are now presented online, that is why Eventic supports online events just like venues based events.
How it works?
The Different Roles
The administrator is the owner of the platform. He will configure the application and customize the settings to his needs. He will mainly approve the payout requests received by the organizers
The organizer has the role that allows him to create events and sell tickets. He will request a payout request to his choosen payout account which will be approved by the administrator.
The attendee is the client in Eventic. He will buy tickets either online or in a point of sale and present the ticket to attend the event.
Point of sale
Point of sale accounts are added by the organizers and are affected to one or more event date. Their log in with their credentials and sell tickets and get paid in cash.
Scanner accounts are added by the organizers and are affected to one or more event date. Their log in with their credentials, either on the platform or on the scanner mobile application, and verify the tickets that are presented by the attendees.
The General Process
Business Model
Eventic Ticket Scanner Mobile Application
The Eventic Scanner Mobile Application is an application that allows event organizers to register attendees by scanning the QR Code generated in the tickets bought from the Eventic platform.
The application can be purchased separately via the following link:
Buy now
- All passwords are crypted using the BCRYPT algorithm
- All payment gateways information and organizers payout methods are crypted using a DEFUSE KEY
- All forms include a CSRF token
- The platform is protected from SQL injections
- The platform is protected from XSS attacks
- All users inputs are sanitized
Used Technologies
Demo accounts
Login: administrator
Password: azer1234
Login: movies.expert
Password: azer1234
Login: john
Password: azer1234
Point Of Sale
Login: me.pos1
Password: azer1234
Login: me.scanner1
Password: azer1234
Eventic Scanner App
Link: Download APK
Login: me.scanner1
Password: azer1234
Any sandbox account
Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration date: 12/22
CVC: 123
Note: Media files used in the product preview are not included in the item main file, you have to get in touch with their respective author in order to get permission before using them in your projects.
Please refer to the following documentation page in order to upgrade your Eventic platform to the last version:
Upgrading Eventic
Change log
17/01/2021 – Version 1.2
- Add Spanish language
- Improved PHP version verification in the setup wizard
- The default locale must be selected in the available languages
- At least one language has to be selected in the available locales
- When there is only language, the language select in the footer is hidden
- When the contact email address is not provided, the contact form is hidden
- Fixed a bug where the phone number is displayed as the fax number in the footer
- Added page form fields validation
- Manageable currencies list (code and symbol), with search
- Deleted PaymentSettingsType as it is not used anymore, the payment settings form is generated in the controller
- Changed the ticket fees (online) maximum from 100 to 1000000
- Removed the required indicator from the app layout settings form when not necessary
- Removed the required indicator from pos checkout form when not necessary
- On checkout error, redirect to dashboard index instead of the referer
- PDF ticket translation (only arabic is displayed in English)
- Added translations for some missing words
- Fixed the PDF ticket UTF-8 problem in some servers
- Added the Free and Pos payment gateways in initial-database sql file
- Some features are disabled in demo mode
07/01/2021 – Version 1.1
- Session file are now stored in the /sessions folder instead of the default php tmp folder
- Fixed a bug where the website title which is loaded from the cache does not change on some servers
01/01/2021 – Version 1.0
- Initial release