Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.
Brief description
Timesheets & Leave module is a complete online time and attendance solution for employee time tracking, project time tracking, leave management and shift planning.
Track your time easily and efficiently: Track working hours instantly and accurately. One click is all it takes to start, pause or end time tracking. Gain a live view of employee attendance along with any tasks your employees are working on through the live status overview. Automatically calculate working hours on the basis of actual working hours and breaks. This module tracks worked hours at your convenience.
Efficient staff holiday planner: Manage holiday entitlements and absences online, no matter your location. This module automatically calculates employee holiday entitlement balance as well as the valid overtime balance on the basis of your settings. You and your employees have always access to the current status of the balances. No more paperwork, online requests for leave days and other absences operate via workflows and guarantee an easy and transparent management of absences.
Easy tracking of all absences: Define and track different types of absences such as holidays, comp time, or sickness absence. Get an overview of planned absences and employee absence status.
Define approval workflows: Employees can easily request leave days and other absences online. The responsible manager automatically receives a notification and decides on whether she wants to approve or decline the request depending on the availability of resources and the current status of the balances. The employee automatically receives a notification about the approval or rejection of the request. Additionally, there is the possibility of a two-stage or three-stage approval workflow. Do you want to make sure that leave requests and other absences are processed promptly, even if the managers responsible for approval are absent? Simply define a substitute manager. If the manager responsible is absent, substitute managers automatically receive the requests and process them. When the absence ends, responsibility is automatically deactivated. Thus, no request remains unprocessed.
Easy shift planner: Allocate employees to daily or weekly shift plans. Quickly react to any changes and reschedule your employees’ shifts. Keep an overview of all shifts or review all created shifts by date, location, allocated employees and tasks. Keep track of employee hours.
Effectively plan and manage shifts: Define working departments, locations, tasks, and working days and create shift templates for future use. Choose the number of employees you need for this particular shift and allocate available employees to a shift with just a few clicks. In case of changes in employee availability you can easily edit created shifts. Shifts which you would like to use repeatedly can be easily saved as shift templates and are, thus, available to you for future use
Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.
- Set up annual leave, holidays, approval process and timesheet method. Many steps can be created in the approval process. There are two ways of timesheet: through the Task timesheet or manual Check-in/Check-out:
- Manage work shift lists. Each shift has a working start and end time, and a break start and end time
- Manage work shifts. Apply to department, role or to a few specific employees. Has a validity period. The cycle consists of 2 types: repeated weekly or according to a specific period of time. Each day can have different work shifts
- The details of the work shift
- Leave Management: Leave (Annual leave, Maternity leave, Private work without pay), Late & Early, Go out, Business trip, Additional Work Hours.
- Attendance Management. There are four ways to take attendance
- Check In/Out Manually:
- Project/Task Timesheets:
- Geographical Locations. To use this feature you need to run on https and when the staffs take the attendance, use it on the mobile device to get the exact GPS locations. To enable attendance via geo location: Settings -> Settings -> Allow attendance by coordinates.
- Data file with check in/out time. These files can be exported from attendance devices:
- Check In/Out Manually:
- Report and Statistics
Perfex CRM Timesheet & Leave Demo
User :
Login: data.greensoft@gmail.com
Password: 123456a@
Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.
Our support team is always around to help. Feel free to raise a support ticket.
Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply, guiding you through any issues.
Version 1.0.0 / 2020-09-18
Initial version
Version 1.0.1 / 2020-10-02
Fix minor bugs
Version 1.0.2 / 2020-11-20
Fix minor bugs Additional languages: bulgarian, catalan, chinese, czech, dutch, french, german, greek, indonesia, italian, japanese, persian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, slovak, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian, vietnamese.
Version 1.0.3 / 2020-12-04
Fix minor bugs Send email checkin/checkout notifications to HR staff Additional email templates Send an email notification when submitting leave approval request Additional sick leave type
Version 1.0.4 / 2020-12-09
Fix minor bugs
Version 1.0.5 / 2020-12-24
Fix minor bugs Add feature to send notifications (web & email notifications, support email template) when checking in/out Add configuration feature that allows staff to edit check in/out time Add configuration feature that allows staff to check in/out back in the past Upgrade UI for popup check in/out Show history of check in/out when checking in/out
Version 1.0.6 / 2020-12-26
Update check in/out time according to server time
Version 1.0.7 / 2021-01-14
Fix minor bugs. Add workplace management. Assign staffs to workplaces. Attendance with geographic location. (To use this feature you need to run on https and when the staffs take the attendance, use it on the mobile device to get the exact GPS locations). Update document and videos. Update leave application. Update attendance with project timesheets.
Version 1.0.8 / 2021-01-20
Update check in/out time format Added check in/out logs when when viewing non-administrator