![Vidione - video & sharing services software](https://phpfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Vidione-video-sharing-services-software.jpg)
Vidione – it is a software for organizing your own video service, similar to most modern video hosting services, but with a large number of functions. The installed and configured system allows users to upload, configure, edit video, embed and share it, comment on and create their own playlists and channels
Key features
- Responsive Design
- Valid code
- Global XSS filtering
- SEO Optimized
- Powerful and Flexible
- High performance
- Double validation of form fields
- Notification system
- Integration with Google services (Analytics, Advertising, Maps)
- Free Fonts (FontAwesome, Roboto)
- Multilingual support
- 7 colors
- Support for SMTP
- Quick and global search
- Search by people, tags
- Categories
- Free HTML 5 Player
- Theme support
- Manage mixes (Admin)
- Three operating modes (below)
Upload and Convert
Videos and playlists
Minimum System Requirements
- 2 GB RAM
- 2 CPU cores (the more the better)
- 40 GB free disk space (the more the better)
- Linux based operating system
- Server (Apache or Nginx)
- PHP 7+ (CURL, GD Library, mbstring)
- MySQL 5.1+
- FFMPEG 4.1+
- CRON, Wget
Please note that the system involves converting video on the server. Not all shared hosting allows you to perform such resource-intensive operations.
Also, note that the system is closely integrated with the Google analytics system. Make sure your server has access to the external network.
Single-server mode
The file is uploaded to a temporary folder, added to the queue, processed and saved to a folder on the same server where the software is installed
(-) High server load
(+) Cheapness
Suitable for small start-up projects.
Dual-server mode
The principle of operation as in single-server mode, except that the processed files are moved in S3
(-) Average costs (for storage and requests)
(+) Reducing the load (due to the distribution of statics to another server), the possibility of CDN
Suitable for projects with medium loads
Multi-server mode
In this mode, the file is directly uploaded to the intermediate conversion server, where it is added to the queue and processed. Processed files are moved to S3
(-) Increased costs (for storage and requests, maintenance of an intermediate server)
(+) Load balancing (due to distribution of statics to another server and conversion by an intermediate server), CDN capabilities
Suitable for large projects
Browser Support
At the time of release, testing was conducted in the following browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox 70
- Google Chrome 78
- Opera 65
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer 8+
- Samsung Internet
- Google Chrome for Android
- Safari for iOS
- Safari for iPad
- Safari 10 (MacOS Sierra)
Support is provided only via email [email protected] / and no other. Please do not post error or warning messages on the Comments tab.
Before requesting support, make sure that your server meets the minimum requirements and that you have followed all instructions or Documentation
When requesting support, please report the following: subject, description of the problem / error. If possible, attach a screenshot.
In some cases, you may need access to your server – be prepared to provide them
- All video content presented in the demo is for informational purposes only and is not included in the package. The rights to video content belong to their authors and owners
- No refunds are made, before buying, please make sure that you can provide the hardware and software to meet the minimum requirements.
- The refinement of the functionality to your requirements is carried out in the order of succession and only within the framework of an extended license
- Your server is not configured or for a fee
- If you have any questions, you can ask them on the Comments box or on [email protected]
- All names are fictitious. Any coincidence in real life is random.
v1.2: 2020-27-02
[ADDED] Support AWS S3 [ADDED] Support intermediate conversion server [ADDED] Maintenance mode [ADDED] Remembering player current position - Non-critical technical errors fixed - Added / changed 9+ minor changes in UI/UX
v1.1: 2020-14-02
[ADDED] Channel confirmation [ADDED] Authorization through social networks (Facebook, Google, Vkontakte, Yandex) [ADDED] Mixes - Non-critical technical errors fixed - Added / changed 30+ minor changes in UI/UX
v1.0: 2020-30-01
- Initial Realease